Let us redefine your business
driving more revenue
Our ad intelligent platforms provide you with unprecedented insights,
which direct you towards ROI-driven decision making.
AD Platform
Meet our proprietary DSP, Ad Exchange and App Marketing Platform,
all developed in-house, based on our Ad Tech expertise built over decades of experience and data
World’s first Persona
Targeting Platform
Tageting Audience Psychographic Qualities
• Integrating google ads with persona marketing
• Guided personalized ad campaign
• Target audiences beyond demographic parameters
• Buy specific persona inventory within Google

Largest global non-incent &
incent UA network
Korea's largest mobile User Acquisition
• Partnered with all the major Incent CPI/E/A (25 in Korea) and Non-Incent CPI/A (200 worldwide) networks
• Offers consolidated inventory buying of all (N)CPI networks, and consolidated reporting
• Powerful fraud prevention feature (real-time traffic monitoring)

Korea's first RTB-based DSP
Offers maximum reach via effective audience targeting with Nasmedia's DMP
• Networked with approx. 20,000 local/global publishers: 500M daily traffic
  Guided personalized ad campaign
• Secures maximum reach by utilizing Nasmedia's DMP which has approx. 25M
  Unique audience data base
• Networked with approx. 20,000 local/global publishers: 500M daily traffic
  User's search keywords on portal sites
Korea's No.1 Ad Exchange
Boasts largest local/global traffic with its partnership with all the major DSP/SSPs.
Provides SDK that mediates effective management of partnered ad networks
• Approx. 100B+ ad calls per month from over 100K app and web (PC+MO) publishers
• Maximum monetization for publishers with all RTB-based system and header bidding solution Prebid

• Diverse traffic types (Banner/Native/Video) from numerous global RTB partners User's *
  * Global Partner : DBM, Criteo, Rubicon Project, Mopub, Smaato
Non-incent mobile UA
platform that guarantees
real results
NCPS platform with the largest domestic/global mobile traffic
• Various UA products (NCPS, NCPA, NCPI) to suit the needs of the client's KPI
• Has the largest domestic traffic from DA and Influencer channels
• Offers optimal efficiency with real-time automatic performance management system
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